Sunday, 11 February 2018

Install Python 3 and Set Up a Local Programming Environment then install Django locally on Ubuntu 16.04

This article is about installing python 3 virtual environment on Ubuntu 16.04. If you are looking to set up a python 3 development environment, this  tutorial will help you.

First install python 3 by run these commands in the terminal
sudo apt-get install python3.5

Then install pip3 the python package manager by running
sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Then install virtualenv package
sudo pip3 install virtualenv

Then create a directory named my_proj which is our project name in your home directory. Then open a terminal window in that directory. Run the following command to create a virtual environment
virtualenv -p python3 env

Then run this command to activate the virtual environment
source env/bin/activate

Our virtual environment is activated now. To check it run
which python3

It will give the result    /home/sukesh/sukesh/python/my_proj/env/bin/python3

To install Django 2 run this
pip install Django

Note that pip, and python commands can be used in our virtual environment instead of pip3 and python3.

 Run this to check django
python -m django --version

It will give result   2.0.5

Create a sample project by run this. Don't forget the trailing dot(.)
django-admin startproject my_proj .

Our project is created now. Run this to create an app
django-admin startapp my_app

Now we need to add the created app to our project. For that open my_proj/my_proj/, then add 'my_app' to the INSTALLED_APPS section. Our INSTALLED_APPS will looks like this

You have finished. To start the development server run
python runserver

Our server has started now. To check this open this url in any browser:-

Watch this video tutorial (Click the gear icon and select video quality to 1080p HD, then click the full screen button for good quality)

Thank You

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